野中進 (1967-)



Saitama University, Faculty of Liberal Arts/ Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Japan


I specialize in Russian literature of the 20th century (Andrei Platonov, Vasily Rozanov, Russian Formalism, Mikhail Bakhtin, etc.). This HP gives you information on my academic activities.

Email: nonaka@@@mail.saitama-u.ac.jp

アーカイヴ Archive

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Perspectives of Comparative World Literature and Cultural Studies
A collection of essays written by students of Poltava National Pedagogical University, Lviv National University and Saitama University. Ukrainian and Japanese students hold a series of online seminars from December 2021 to January 2022 and wrote the essays.
2022_Perspectives of Comparative World L
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С. Нонака. Беседы с Б. Ф. Егоровым о смехе и истине
доклад. прочитанный на конференции в память Б. Ф. Егорова, которая устроена в ИРЛИ РАН 31-го мая и 1-го июня 2021 года.
Besedy s B. F. Egorovym.pdf
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С. Нонака. Once Again: «Чему Смеетесь? Над собою смеетесь!..» – В контексте мировой литературы.
Фiлологiчнi Науки: Науковий журнал. Т. 30 (2019). С. 15-19.
Nonaka S. Once Again Чему смеетесь..pdf
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С. Нонака. Сокровенные тропы: Поэтика стиля Андрея Платонова (Белград: Логос, 2019)
A collection of articles about tropes and figures of a Russian writer Andrei Platonov (1899-1951). The English title: S. Nonaka. Innermost Tropes: Poetics of the Style of Andrey Platonov (Belgrade: Logos, 2019).
Innermost tropes_For print.pdf
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野中 _仁科先生論文集.pdf
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Call for Papers for the Second Issue of "Far East, Near Russia"
We are planning to make the second issue of "Far East, Near Russia", a collection of papers on Russian literature and culture. We welcome your applications.
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Metonymic Principle in V. Grossman's Twin Novels
A paper read at the 65th JARLL (November 8th, 2015, Saitama U.).
Text in Japanese
Metonymic Principle in V. Grossman's Twi
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Valerij Grecko, Soo-Hwan Kim, Susumu Nonaka (eds.), Far East, Close Russia - The Evolution of Russian Culture: A View from East Asia (Belgrade-Seoul-Saitama, 2015)
A collection of 19 papers based on the international seminars held in Tokyo (2014) and Seoul (2015).
Far East, Close Russia (2015).pdf
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Let's join ICCEES in Makuhari 2015!
A short version of a paper delivered at the workshop "Let's join ICCEES in Makuhari 2015!" at Japanese Association of Russian Literature and Language (University of Tokyo, 2th November 2013). Text in Japanese.
Let's join ICCEES in Makuhari 2015!.pdf
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Значение писем читателей для эволюции творчества В. Розанова
Paper printed in Japanese Slavic and East European Studies, v.33(2012): 61-83. Text in Russian.
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121020 Beseda_Seifrid_The Word Made Self
Paper delivered at the Second Beseda (2012/10/20) on Thomas Seifrid, The Word Made Self: Russian Writings on Language, 1860-1930 (Ithaca and Lodon, Cornell UP, 2005). Text in Japanese.
121020Beseda_Seifrid_The Word Made Self.
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